Researcher on emotions and decision-making
Mark van Overveld

Between gross and greed
Welcome! I am a freelance researcher on the topic of emotions (mainly disgust and fear) and emotion regulation in decision-making. In the next few webpages, you will find my CV, publications, and links to work I’ve been involved in, such as the development and testing of various emotion questionnaires, studies on emotion regulation training through serious games or using innovative approaches to established ideas, such as mindfulness training for traders and private investors. In addition, I have extensive experience guiding bachelor and master theses.Contact me if you have any further questions or potential opportunities. Browse to learn more about me or my work. I even smuggled in a page with some of my hobbies and non-work-related achievements for you.
Disgust scales
Looking for the Disgust Propensity and Sensitivity Scale or any other measure I published on?
A complete list of my publications by date.

About me
More information about me personally.
Contact me
Don’t hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to receive requests to collaborate on scientific or creative projects, invitations for the opportunity to present my research or to further clarify any questions you may have regarding the information on this website.
© Mark van Overveld. All rights reserved.
Research indices
Here, several of the research tools that I have examined in my experiments are presented, as well as all language variants that I am aware of. If you have one to share which is not yet presented here, please contact me.Please note that the following surveys are all free-to-use for research purposes. Yet, sharing of other language variants to be posted on this page or simply informing me of your research findings, is always greatly appreciated.
Disgust Propensity and Sensitivity Scale – Revised
DPSS R 12 items NL with scoring key
DPSS R 12 items English
DPSS R 12 items Deutsch
DPSS R 12 items Spanish
DPSS R 12 items Italian
DPSS R 12 items Persian
DPSS R 12 items Portuguese
DPSS R 12 items French
DPSS R 12 items Greek
DPSS R 12 items Hungarian
DPSS R 16 items Hungarian
DPSS R 12 items Baha Indonesian
DPSS R 12 items Turkish
Disgust Scale – Revised
Sexual Disgust Questionnaire
Please find below a complete list of my publications to date.2013de Jong, P. J., van Overveld, M., & Borg, C. (2013). Giving in to arousal or staying stuck in disgust? Disgust-based mechanisms in sex and sexual dysfunction. Journal of Sex Research, 50, 247-262.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P.J., Peters, M.L., van Lankveld, J., Melles, R., & ter Kuile, M.M. (2013). The Sexual Disgust Questionnaire: a psychometric study and a first exploration in patients with sexual dysfunctions. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10, 396-407.2012Peffer, G., Fenton-O’Creevy, M., Lins, J., Adams, M., van Overveld, M., Smidts, A., Davies, G., Clough, G., Hilborn, O., Schaaf, K., Lindley, C., & Astor, P. (2012). xDelia – Emotion-centred financial decision-making and learning. Final report on xDelia project. ISBN ISBN 978-1-78007-652-2.2011de Jong, P.J., van Overveld, M., Peters, M.L. (2011). Sympathetic and parasympathetic responses to a disgust video clip as a function of disgust propensity and disgust sensitivity. Biological Psychology, 88, 174-79.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P. J., Peters, M. L. (2011). The Multi-Dimensional Blood Injury/Phobia Inventory: Its psychometric properties and relationship with disgust propensity and disgust sensitivity. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 25, 319-325.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P.J., Peters, M.L., & Schouten, E. (2011). The Disgust-Scale-R: A valid and reliable index to investigate separate disgust domains. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 325-330.2010van Overveld, M. van, de Jong, P.J., Huijding, J. & Peters, M.L. (2010). Contamination and harm relevant UCS-expectancy bias in spider phobic individuals: Influence of treatment. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 17, 510-518.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P.J., & Peters, M.L. (2010). Disgust and Fear Related UCS-expectancy Bias in Blood Fearful Individuals. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 17, 100-109.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P. J., & Peters, M. L. (2010). The Disgust Propensity and Sensitivity Scale-Revised: Its predictive value for avoidance behaviour. Personality and Individual Differences, 49, 706-711.2009Engelhard, I.M., Jong, P.J. de, Hout, M.A. van den, & Overveld, M. van (2009). Expectancy bias and the persistence of posttraumatic stress. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, 887-892.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P.J., & Peters, M.L. (2009). Digestive and cardiovascular responses to core and animal-reminder disgust. Biological Psychology, 80, 149-157.2008van Overveld, M. (2008). Disgust in specific phobias, a dirt road to anxiety disorders. Dissertation. Datawyse, Universitaire Pers Maastricht.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P.J., Peters, M.L., van Hout, W.J.P.J., & Bouman, T.K. (2008). An internet-based study on the relation between disgust sensitivity and emetophobia. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 22, 524-531.2007de Jong, P.J., van Overveld, M., Weimar Schultz, W.-M., Peters, M.L., & Buwalda, F. M. (2007). Disgust and contamination sensitivity in vaginismus and dyspareunia: a first exploration. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 2, 244-252.2006van Overveld, M., de Jong, P.J., & Peters, M.L. (2006). Differential UCS expectancy bias in spider fearful individuals: evidence toward an association between spiders and disgust-relevant outcomes. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 37, 60-72.van Overveld, M., de Jong, P.J., Peters, M.L., Cavanagh, K., & Davey, G.C.L. (2006). Disgust propensity and disgust sensitivity: separate constructs that are differentially related to specific fears. Personality and Individual Differences, 41, 1241-1252.2004van Overveld, M., de Jong, P. J., & Peters, M. L. (2004). Walging: van emotie tot angststoornis. Nederlands Tijdschrift Psychologie, 59, 31-42. pdfDo not hesitate to contact me if you can not find any of these.
About me
After graduating at Maastricht University (Mental Health Sciences at the Faculty of Health Sciences and Biological Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology), I wrote a dissertation on ‘Disgust in relation to specific phobias’ at Clinical Psychological Science at Maastricht University with two excellent promotors: prof. dr. P. J. de Jong (University of Groningen) and prof. dr. M.L. Peters (Universiteit Maastricht). After the public defense (24-10-2008), I worked as a post-doc at Maastricht University during 2009 to wrap up ‘paper’-work.Next, I moved to the Marketing Management Department at the Rotterdam School of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam as a post-doc researcher on the EU-FP7-funded Pan-European xDelia-project. Here, I examined emotion regulation in financial decision-making and how to train emotion regulation using innovative training methods (e.g., serious games) for both professional decision-makers and consumers in the general population (e.g., households).Here, my research projects entailed experiments in lab and field settings, being involved and/or leading the development of apps related to emotion regulation techniques, a biofeedback game around heart rate, and developing the Mindful Trader Training (an online mindfulness training for traders and private investors which is currently hosted at Saxo Bank). Recently, I was selected as one of six finalists for the I Will Award 2014 for inspiring and innovative thinkers.Currently, I am a freelance researcher and educator. Thus, I coached students at Erasmus University Rotterdam with their bachelor and master theses (e.g., 53 students in 2014/2015). And last but not least, I am a board member of the scientific bureau of the Dutch political party for the elderly, 50 Plus, where I participate in discussions on future directions in research amongst the elderly and have lead several research projects.I am always open to freelance assignments or to learn more about teaching or research opportunities with your university.A brief summary is presented in my CV.Research interests: emotion regulation, biofeedback, experimental psychology, serious games, disgust, affect